Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Multnomah Falls

Yesterday, we showed my kids Multnomah Falls, and we hiked the trail up to the top. We made it 3/4 of the way, then we made a U turn and hiked down because my oldest sister was so tired. This was my second time hiking and realized how much I love hiking. I think I should go hiking more often. Hiking is a perfect way to exercise, explore, and enjoy nature's beauty. My kids love hiking as well, and they really wanted to keep going. After that, we showed the kids the countryside and Oregon wine country. They truly enjoyed nature and had a delightful time.

Multnomah Falls

The falls drop in two major steps, split into a upper fall of 542 feet (165m) and a lower falls of 69 feet (21m) with a gradual 9 feet (3m) drop in elevation between the two, so the total height is about 620 feet (189m). It is the tallest waterfall in Oregon.

This photo was taken after we finished the hiking. The sun came out just in time. This picture was taken at the same spot with the picture above before we started hiking.

The Trail
I tried to capture the trail while hiking through it to share with you guys.

The sun came out through the woods.
Columbia River Gorge.

The view of the Columbia river from the trail.
The Family
My kids and my great nephew.
My oldest sister comes along on the trip.
The end of hiking, look!..the kids were tired.

Today, we'll go to the zoo, Washington park, Chinese garden...

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!! hugs...Hanh ;-)

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