Tuesday, August 25, 2009

88Tees and CdG

This is what I wore for casual sushi dinner out with my hubby last night. It was Monday night, most the restaurants we like they close. I didn't cook because I still didn't feel great since I'm back home ( today, I feel much more normal..yah..;-). We had 911 babysitter came for our quick dinner. I had no time to think, just graped something to wear. This was it.
I bought the t-shirt on my Honolulu trip at 88Tees store, on Kalakaua avenue. I wore it with F21 shorts, Barney's Co-OP studded boots, Lanvin bag.This CdG dyed jacket is 100% cotton. I don't wear jacket outdoor in hot summer Dallas, but indoor such as stores, restaurants, grocery stores..ect..are super cold, to me. They like to turn on AC to maximum, and I always have jacket with me for those places.
I know, I know..I need to give some of you my answers. Please, give me sometime. ;-) Thank you very much!
Wishing all my fabulous fellow readers a wonderful day!!!! Big hugs...from Hanh!
Interview at Artsy-Fartsy.
(This is just added, after I posted this post yesterday)
Today is Wednesday, I just got email from Maria that my interview is on her blog. So, if you have extra time, please check it out to get to know me more at Artsy-Fartsy by Maria Anna Aurelia Kusch. Thank you Maria for the interview.

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