Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The finish line

Hi everyone,

Thank you very much everyone from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support of my blog. I wish I have prizes for all of you but unfortunately I just have one Giving away Gift this time. I should have a Give away Gift every month because you all are such sweet supporters. And we had many many ties. Following the rules, we had a random pick for the winner. Now, allow me to announce the winner...Congratulations to Pret a`Porter P

Finally, I'd like to post my awards and tags that I've received from the past month from fabulous bloggers. Thank you to Fashion Titbits for giving me the Lovely blog Award, thank you The Left Look for Kreativ blogger Award, thank you Karolina for Gold Medal of the Best Blog and San Francisco Stylephile for the tag with 6 things that make me happy. Also, the Kreativ Award requires that I post 7 things that are true about me. It's so funny that I about to post this and I got message about giving me Award from Janetteria , thank you Janettaylor. It also requires to reveal 10 things about me. Here they are:
  1. I'm happy when I see my husband and my kids laugh.
  2. I'm happy when my big daughter tries to eat something new (she's picky-eater).
  3. Can't wait for my parents come here to visit.
  4. I suck at computer technique, but I learn fast.
  5. I never go to nail salon, I'm happy to do it myself at home.
  6. I'm not a good driver and very bad at direction.
  7. I just remembered that my memory is not as great as it was before. I'm forgetting thing easily now, LOL.
  8. I'm sensitive person but I try to conceal it. Yes, Janettaylor, I just like you on this one.
  9. I can handle hot summer very well.
  10. I sleep with my two girls on the weekend nights because I love to snuggle with them in the next mornings.

I wore sheer black 8 or 9 years old BCBG top, Emanuel Ungaro skirt, pony fur Givenchy shoes, Prada crocodile clutch.

I wish you all have a wonderful day!!!! hugs...Hanh ;-)

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