Sunday, June 7, 2009

Back to Dallas

Hello everyone,
I just got back home this afternoon. Home sweet home!! Here are some pictures in Strasbourg I would like to share. It's two and a half hours east of Paris by train. They speak French and German here. They have delicious food and the local specialty food is sauerkraut, called churcrout in the local dialect. The wine is excellent. The wines are mostly rielsing, gewurztraminer, pinot gris, and muscat, all whites.

Ille river is the main river there. Very pretty.
Library University.
In this picture, you see a large boulevard in front of the Opera House. It was used for jousting in the old days.
Strasbourg cathedral is the tallest church in France.
Architecture is influenced by the German style.

When I was there I had a chance to meet Mode Junkie for dinner. She is a nice person, and has a cute boy. It was very pleasurable to meet her. Thank you Mode for emailing me to set up the meeting. Wishing you a joyful life with your boy and family.
I was playing with her boy. He is adorable.

Have a nice day, everyone!!!!!

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