Saturday, September 25, 2010


This colourful collage, a mixture of various leaves corralled beside a dock, not only captures the different colours that have changed and fallen but also reveals the weather, displaying the raindrops from a recent shower. The first day of fall was another day of rainfall, like much of September has been with still more wet weather predicted.

Friday, September 24, 2010


A propellor serves as a doorhandle giving new meaning to when it's propped open. The door leads to the service area of The Boatworks Limited, a partnership of seven cottagers that bought the business and is currently expanding it. The original company was famous for its line of Seabird boats and their motto "Safe, Swift, Serviceable."

Thursday, September 23, 2010


A lot of money and effort were put into rolling out the series of new standardized signs, erected at all the town entrances and trailheads across Muskoka Lakes Township, a project supported by the federal government's G8 Legacy Infrastructure Fund. They should have put a little more effort into proofreading this sign, and correcting its typo.


This title is a double reference to the colourful combination of the maple leaves in the foreground and to the Ferndale Lookout Tower, used during the filming of seasons 3-6 of The Red Green Show with the lonely Ranger Gord. Built in the 60's for the Ferndale Resort, it's no longer accessible to the public and the site now private property.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Random Family Pictures in Provence // Seillans Village

Thank you everyone for the love. I don't have a final decision yet. It's not a bad idea to post once a month, twice a month, or whenever I have time, as many readers suggested. I know for sure, though, that I won't close the blog. It'll be there for you and me as a great memory. I actually learn a lot from the blogworld. You all are my inspiration. You show me the sweetness, the honest heart, and care for people. I truly feel like I know you more and more through your comments in each post. I feel like you all are my friends that I can share everything. It's one of the great feelings in life. Now on with the blog!

Now, look at my big girl! I can see her growing up to be a fine young lady. She's sweet, thoughtful child. She loves reading and science. I'm very proud of her. Love!
Here is my little girl. She's easy going, sweet, and humorous. She loves drawing and wants to be an artist when she grows up. She loves numbers and think that numbers is easy for her. It's nice to hear that :) Oh, she also loves the camera. She makes my day delightful :) Yes, she loves to eat- healthy food.
They are my sunshine :) I'm very proud to be their mom.
With my nephew and his fiance.
We love to play games and make up our own games to play on our trips. It's a great way to entertain the kids while waiting. It's fun. We laugh...Sweet memories! Smelling-game was made up, because there was rosemary and lavender everywhere at our hotel in Provence. We closed our eyes to smell and tell.
The kids and me at Fayence village.
At the hotel.
I wanted to bring this wild cat home from Seillans village, although I'm not a cat person. I love her all white hair, just beautiful.
We went to Seillans village for dinner when we stayed in Provence. Seillans village is a small village. It has small, narrow, up-down hill allies like the rest of old villages in Europe. One thing about it,there are a lot of beautiful wild cats here. I mean a lot! It has two beautiful restaurants in middle of the village with a very romantic setting. The one that we dined is called La Gloire de Mom Pere. It has a star in the Guide Michelin 2010. The food was absolutely delicious. There was a charming old guy playing violin that was a perfect romantic touch for the evening.

Thank you everyone for visiting and comments! Wishing you all a great day ahead! Hugs...Hanh :)

Ps: Please, follow me on twitter-lifeintravel- to know whenever I post new posts.


With the recent cool weather at nights the mornings bring mist on the lakes, gradually lifting with the emerging sun. As the curtain is raised Edith and Wasan Islands appear, two of several islands that make up the Venetia Group, while between them in the background The Rosseau can be seen perched above the lake on a granite bluff.

Friday, September 17, 2010

To Post Or Not To Post

Hi everyone,
I hope you're doing well. It has been a while since I posted something new. Many of you who follow me on twitter probably know that I have been thinking about stopping my blogging. It's just because I'm getting busy with my volunteer work and my kids after school activities. We also planned another huge project to be done for our life that will keep me extremely busy which I will probably share with you guys in the future. Thank you everyone for leaving messages on twitter, on my comment page, and my email to encourage me to post. I'm not sure what I will do. But for now, I'll try my best to blog. A big thank you to you all for the love, and for supporting my blog. Please, follow me on twitter-
lifeintravel- which is the way that I announce my new posts. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead! In the meantime, please enjoy my new post :) xoxo

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fishing and Dolphin watching tour

Coral Fishing: USD $ 90,00/5 Hours
Trolling Fishing USD $ 100,00/5 Hours
Gears, Lunch Box and Softdrink included
Dolphin Watching Tour
Price: USD $ 90,00/4 Hours
Lunch Box included
start time 07.30 am
advance booking required

Scuba Diving

Scuba Dive Tour
Nusa Penida (Manta Points,Sun fish Observation,Etc) USD $ 100,00/2xDives
Tulamben (Ship Wreck Dive): USD $ 85,00/2x Dives
Gears and Transportation Included
Beginer Fun Dive USD $ 33,00/1x dive
Location: Nusa Dua
Gear, Boat, Dive Master included


Price: USD $ 13,00/1 Hours
Gears Included

Glass Bottom Boat To Turtle Island

Glass Bottom Boat To Turtle island Tour
Price USD $ 13,00/ 1 Hour